Here I am, caught here, confused and disoriented... somehow I thought I should be doing homework on vacation... in a short time I was set straight and productivity showed me that it was a silly idea.
We had a great time there despite the warm weather. We spent the days doing various activities such as swimming, climbing, visiting with family, etc. and the nights playin cards, watchin the fireworks, and relaxin. I did see though that my poor example as a husband has affected my sweet and innocent wife. As we proceeded to prepare for our trip north my wife had the wonderful idea of surprising her parents who already knew we were coming... I have previously shown an example of having fun with whats true and whats slightly varying from truth when it came to visiting my family. Kristen had the great idea of varying from truth when it came to explaining when we would be arriving in Washington, which became later than expected due to unforeseen events (lies). Despite my objections (assistance) to this dirty (amusing) little plan everything seemed to play out as she desired, until everyone almost fell asleep before we pulled in. That entrance into the weekend was a sure sign that the trip was definitely worth it.
Climbin around... always good fun... though Kristen informed me that its not always fun for your hands...
Dylan, showing us how the real climbing is done...
Some of the memorable moments in Spokane were, to name a few, the family get together in mom and dad's backyard, flying off the slip and slide at that get together with Ryan and Kristin to follow suit after, seeing Cohen, getting family pictures taken, bouldering, playing cards, moving a piano, swimming at the beach area and watching a massive jet boat enter the water (though we never saw it take off... too bad), playing games as couples, sitting on the roof watchin various firework shows from neighboring cities and then the neighbors, eating at Zips (a ritual I don't think we will miss whenever in Washington, or so I am told), watching Nate dodge water balloons as he played both soccer and volleyball with a volleyball (though if I remember right... Nate dodging the balloon made for a wet Ashley), seeing grandpa, watching Dylan and Leila track down Chloe, and just catchin up on the good ol' times with family. We really enjoyed ourselves, but were forced to leave town... as responsibilities in happy valley pulled us back to reality. It is nice to see family and is always worth the time even if for a short few days over a weekend.
Dylan and Leila runnin and having fun... while dad relaxes and mom was not in the picture, the jury is still debating if she intentionally missed or accidentally missed the pictures...
Nate and Ash
Ryan, Kristin, and Cohen
Chloe, gettin some fresh air and jumpin around on various objects that seemed stable. To both Chloe's and our surprise the noises that followed informed us that not everything was as stable as it seemed. She also showed us how real vacation is supposed to be spent as only she could...
If any of the details are incorrect I am not responsible, Kristen is not here to keep me in line at the moment and I am left to think for myself... always dangerous.
ummm... where has this blogging talent been hiding?!? my very own closet blogging brother... I have a brother?!?
i'm going to have to visit your WA - cause the WA David keeps taking me too doesn't seem that similar. Don't tell - i think i like yours better :)
LOVE you guys!
that rock climbing looks so fun... Even though I've never done it for real, only on the climbing walls here in Provo at the "Quarry", I agree that it can't be too much fun on the hands.
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