Friday, August 21, 2009

The Air Show...

The Air Force Air Show was always something I remembered growing up and so when I heard that it was taking place this year I told Kristen we should go. She was great about it and seemed excited to watch it despite not knowing who the Thunderbirds were.... We were honestly very lucky in our trip north to my parents house in South Ogden because there was a massive accident on I-15 that we were able to avoid, though we were worried for all those involved. We arrived at our destination and met with my parents, my sister, and her daughter. We went for a walk to the new library up there to kill some time before the real show started. I reminisced with Kristen about growing up and hearing the Thunderbirds fly over the roof top as if they were going to clip the nearest tree.

The time for the show finally arrived and it just so happened that some of our extended family pulled up next to us to watch the show too. We were entertained by the Queen of the moment, Lexi, until the show started. She was trying to be persuaded into visiting people as they held out the offering of chocolate, a common weakness in our genes, she was not to be persuaded though because she found the real source of the goodness. The show was great and we had at least five passes directly over our heads with between 4 and 6 Thunderbirds each time.

I must say though that despite our fun at the show, I learned that the camera Kristen's ... I had several moments of user difficulty trying to capture good pictures of the planes as they flew over. I finally passed the camera back to Kristen in defeat and frustration not knowing how a small black box could beat me so easily... maybe engineering might not be the best choice for my future profession... no just kidding, it doesn't require photography expertise, right?

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